Father’s House People Influencing Culture

This page is dedicated to highlighting the people of Father’s House who are impacting the world of business, education, media, family, government, art and spirituality in a way that brings the message of the Kingdom of God into those spheres of influence. Currently we are featuring Logan Anderson. Born and raised in the greater area of Portland, Oregon Logan has loved photography and the outdoors for as long as he can remember. His passion for film and the beauty of his home state is his spark to create fun ways to share unique memories. Here is his story in his words
What is my vision for the company?
I’ve owned an instant camera for several years. Most everyone who sees the photo pop out after I snap a picture says, “Oh wow! One of those old cameras.”
Who do I want to impact?
What does God want to express through me?My life has been marked by exceptional creativity. Before I officially started my business, God inspired me to make a small picture frame that would fit the mini instant photos I sell. In the development process of that, there were many nights where I stayed up for hours, asking Him questions and marveling at the solutions for what is now the first original product in my store. I am overwhelmed at His attentive, fatherly behavior through this whole venture. He is a genius! There are many ideas that he has given me for products and services that I can’t wait to reveal.
What does the business do?
Practically speaking, Say Oregon sells instant film products and services. I offer digital photos printed on multiple instant film formats as well as photography in these formats. At this time I also sell a handmade wooden picture frame in the shape of Oregon. It’s made especially for Instax Mini photographs and comes in two natural wood colors: Cherry and Walnut.
How can customers connect to me?
Right now, all of my products are sold on Etsy. If you’re interested in making a purchase for yourself or sending someone a gift, you can visit the Etsy shop by going to www.sayoregon.store. Otherwise please connect with me through social media on Facebook and Instagram. You can also reach out via email by writing to shop.sayoregon@gmail.com